Eko Ernest Student Cooperative

Eko Ernest Student Cooperative

Ernestinovo, Croatia
Browse products
The cooperative Eko Ernest was founded in 2006. in Primary School Ernestinovo, Ernestinovo - Croatia; 
in order for students to practice production work acquired additional knowledge, habits and skills and 
developed entrepreneurial spirit. We operate through four sections: flower gardens, gardening, medicinal
herbs and fruit growers. Eco cooperatives produce a variety of fruits, vegetables,honey, apple chips, 
plum jam, while students of lower grades from regional Šodolovci school collect, dry and pack teas 
from cultivated medicinal plants herbs. We are especially proud of our orchard of 20 autochthonous
varieties of apples from which we make fine chips. We market part of the products on the market 
through sales exhibitions and fairs, and we gladly use the rest of it in the school kitchen.



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School Cooperative Eko-Ernest

Primary School Ernestinovo
Školska 1
31215 Ernestinovo
Phone: +385 31 270 213

e-mail: ivana.kardo@skole.hr