School Cooperative Kreativne ruke

School Cooperative Kreativne ruke

Osijek, Croatia
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Kreativne ruke student cooperative was founded in June 2018, and the cooperative has seven sections in regular classes
and in classes for children with developmental disabilities.


1. Dress me up, (led by Emina Kekez) – making special hairstyles, special nail polish and manicures
2. Creatives (led by Žaklina Tonc) – making appropriate decorations and various objects for wide use and decoration, decorating wood and fabric
3. Media section (led by Miroslav Šibila) – monitoring events at the school, announcements on school boards
4. Nutrition (led by Željka Korpar) – making presentations, organizing and leading workshops and lectures related to proper nutrition, exercise, health
5. Literary section (led by Stjepan Knežević) – writing simple compositions and poems about current topics
6. Small Kitchen (led by by Lovorka Šimić – Bosniak) – preparation of simple dishes
7. Kreativa (led by Martina Felinger) – making special decorations

The student cooperative participates in the local Advent and Christmas fairs, and the cooperatives fairs.




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Obrtnička škola Osijek
UZ Kreativne ruke
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 24, HR-31000 Osijek